POS-FFOS Walk Team


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(Click on photo to enlarge)

Christina from POS at lunch

with friends

Friends gathering at luncheon

Allison Wenneman, Nancy Savarda,

Wendi White and friend Ryan

Girls chatting at POS luncheon

Allison Wenneman, Bunkie Rivkin & Nancy Savarda

Having a good time at luncheon

Tricia Kent, Jeanette Lehane,

Kris Reed & Mary-Anne Reed

Just before lunch is served

Patti Zingaro & Nancy Palmer

Waiting on lunch to be served

Pam Huber and family

Vera French group

Christi Orfitelli, Ben Bierman, Chris Pries,

Barbara Ford, Steven Ford & the Ford family

POS Parents Lunch

Marcia Resnick with Steve (back turned), Pam Huber

& family, Bunkie Rivkin and Christina Mitchell

POS-FFOS members at luncheon

(top) Nancy Palmer, Marcia Resnick, Wendi White,

Ray & MaryAnne Burke, Pam Tonagel-Hendrik,

(bottom) Chris Mitchell, Nancy Savarda, Bunkie Rivkin, Tricia Kent

POS-FFOS Walking Team at luncheon

Everyone from the luncheon who were

walking the 2005 Overnight


Each candle burns for a lost loved one

Luminaria 2

The pathway of remembrance


Marcia, Remembering Doug


Message to Alex and Jason

Tricia Kent at pit stop

Encounter with a OOTD Coach

Coach Rachel and Patti Zingaro

Getting the kinks out

Patti Zingaro

Everything Hurts

Patti Zingaro

Posing with the POS Banner

Nancy Palmer & Patti Zingaro

Coming to the end

Karen Casey-Keller & Emily Novak coming

to the finish

They finally made it

Nancy Palmer and Patti Zingaro

at the Finish Line

Closing Ceremonies


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Parents of Suicides

Friends and Families of Suicide